Restriction Policy

Política de Restricciones

Color tones can vary across different printing machines, so the file received by the CLIENT will be sent to production exactly as we received it. If a color sample is required for authorization, please request it at Color samples will be 30 × 30cm, which will be charged according to the material. Print PV® is not responsible for any variation in color.
Our machines have diverse resolutions and qualities, so your order will be processed according to the option you choose from the moment it is received.
The production system processes the orders according to the planned workload. Similarly, files that are worked on by our designers are reviewed and processed according to the specifications that you provide.
Print PV® reserves the right of claims and / or disputes based on the files or specifications requested.

The production time begins when the files have been reviewed and verified and the full payment or your agreed partial payment has been received. It is recommended to review the files and designs very well, and provide respective proof of payment to avoid any delay with your order.
La medida del producto final puede tener variaciones milimétricas con relación al archivo digital debido al proceso de corte.